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Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery deals with the reconstruction or replacement of physical defects involving the skin, musculoskeletal system, extremities, hands, breast, trunk, cranio and maxillofacial structures and external genitalia. This surgery uses aesthetic principle not just to improve undesirable physical qualities, but in all repair and reconstruction operations as well.

The primary purpose of plastic surgery is to repair and restore the functions of the skin and tissues. Improving the appearance of a certain body part is also important, but a secondary aim.

Plastic surgery is quite different from cosmetic surgery, which is the type of surgery performed solely to change a healthy patient’s physical appearance to achieve what they feel looks better. Plastic surgery is performed mainly to repair condition, including:

  • Inborn physical abnormalities, like webbed fingers, birthmarks and cleft palate
  • Damaged areas of the body due to removal of cancerous tissue
  • Extensive burns and other serious injuries that caused physical deformities and irregularities

Working with a good plastic surgeon can restore your restore your well-being, as well as restore your day-to-day activities and your self-esteem after a successful operation.

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