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Psychiatry is a medical branch that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of emotional, behavioural and mental disorders. A psychiatrist is the medical doctor who specializes in mental health and are the ones qualified to assess the physical and mental aspects of psychological problems.
Medications are prescribed by psychiatrists after completing thorough assessment. Psychiatric medication helps correct irregularities in brain chemistry that may have caused a certain case of mental disorder. Patients who have been on a long-term treatment will have to meet with their psychiatrist regularly to monitor the effectiveness of the current medication and detect early the side effects, if there’s any.
Class of medications provided by psychiatrists:
- Antipsychotic medications – for treating psychotic symptoms (i.e. hallucinations and delusions), bipolar disorder and schizophrenia
- Hypnotics – given to patients to induce and maintain good sleep
- Antidepressants – for treating depression, anxiety, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorder and borderline personality disorder
- Stimulant – for treating ADHD
- Sedatives and anxiolytics – for treating insomnia and anxiety
- Mood Stabilizer – for treating bipolar disorder
Keep in mind, though, that psychiatrists often prescribe these medications in combination with psychotherapy.